The personally handwritten recipe books that I promised you my children, remain shelved and empty. Hopefully this blog will go some way to recording your favourite recipes. This way the mothballs won't be needed and you can easily access the recipes. I hope you enjoy this record of the foods on our table and the foods that you love. Happy memories my munchkins.
With all my love from Mama, Ma and Mamoolie xxx.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

A New Chapter With Issy, Borba & Noo Noo

Hey there guys. As you well know I have been in the wars a lot lately. I don't mean to whine but my eyes have given me a lot of trouble. Having to wear multifocals has been hard for me. I don't know if I will ever get used to them but I'm trying. Really trying. Last attempt seven years ago I chucked them away after almost running off the road on a windy, rainy, misty afternoon. I had better options back then. I could still see and read reasonably well without reading glasses and so the single lens was fine for seeing in the distance. Now I don't have those options. I need correction for seeing both long and short distance, so I hope it gets better in time.

Things like this are making me realise I am a mere mortal after all. I felt really rather good at this time just one year ago. I felt reasonably healthy and fit and looking forward to joining Mitch in Europe. I was forty nine and feeling fine. One year later and I feel like I have really declined. Not heaps, but definitely changed.

It was funny hearing Issy talk about finding lines on her face at the ripe old age of twenty three. Well my darla, I won't even go there. However I definitely feel that gravity is beginning to be felt. Looser skin and an even looser tummy are evident. Oh well. It's time to realise, really realise that we are on this earth for a limited amount of time. And as the faculties begin to faulter, life's meanings become more precious.

So I have begun a series of what I hope will be a collection of yours and my favourite recipes. I intend to post something for all of you. My life has largely been associated and connected to the kitchen and many things "food". Long before the likes of Masterchef ever came along. But I know I don't need to tell you guys that. After all, I am your Mama and you know me very well.

Time to demonstrate just how well I know my "chilled-ers".

It's August and the jasmine is beautiful!


  1. Mama, this is lovely.

    Although you sound as though you're preparing to leave this earth sometime soon! :|
    I think you're doing pretty alright for yourself physically. You probably need to worry more about your mental state, aha... kidding.


    I'm looking forward to seeing your recipes ma, I'm hoping to see san choy bow on there at some stage, haha! This is a wonderful idea indeed. I hope to be cooking these recipes for my kids and then their kids to come.

    I love you. Nicka. X

  2. Oh what a lovely response my youngest petal! Thanks for your confidence in my not leaving this earth anytime soon. Hehe.

    Of course San Choy Bow will be on the list and of course it shall be dedicated to you. Not all my recipes shall have dedications but that recipe most certainly will. All yours Noo Noo.

    Sooo, you are planning to have kids some day. Better get cracking, because of all you kids my dearest Nikka you are going to need the most practice.

    I love you Boo Boo. Mummy. X

  3. Haha! Where's the confidence ma? :(
    You never know, I might put my creativty to use and be better than the lot of you! He he he.
